
Z&A Christmas gifts

Just because it's Christmas it doesn't mean that subs and slaves don't still need locking up with RLV; some might say that it's more important than ever. It is nice, however, if it can be done in a festive way. So, for those of you who have never had the chance to pick up the Z&A Christmas RLV devices, now's the time to get down to the main store and grab them:

Here you'll find an RLV Christmas tree, candy display, gift box, snowman and stocking. All free to anyone who wishes to grab a copy (and they're all copy, so you can decorate your plot or region with as many as you like).

PS: While you're there, if you're looking for other festive RLV ideas, don't forget that there's the Z&A Sleigh available for testing up in the vehicle test area.


Z&A Vehicle (Cage Trap)

It's been a couple of months since I last released an RLV vehicle, the last one being the sleigh. So, after a bit of a delay, it's time to release another by making the final gift from The Femdom Hunt available in the main store and on the Second Life Marketplace. This vehicle is called the Cage Trap.

This is a brand new vehicle build, inspired by and based on the design of the Pipe Trap. The main difference with the Cage Trap is that the picnic items are swapped for a pair of sturdy metal cages. This allows two dominants to ride in comfort while a victim pulls them and two more are transported in the back.

The vehicle itself is simple to drive and, as with all of the Z&A vehicles, is designed to be accessible with easy-to-use menu options and appropriate RLV options to keep the victims nice and secure for the duration of the ride. As well as the "driver" being locked and under RLV control, the "passengers" in the cages on the back get to enjoy the same treatment.

For those who wish to make the vehicle available for public use on their region, there's a public rezzer version too:

As well as including the normal vehicle (there's no need to buy both if you want a personal vehicle and a public rezzer version) it also includes a rezzer object that will rez copies of the vehicle that anyone can drive -- with a full clean-up system that ensures your region doesn't fill up with unwanted traps.

If you'd like to try the vehicle out, see what it looks like, see how it drives, etc, do feel free to pop down to the main store and head to the vehicle test area where you'll find a rezzer set up. As well as vendor boards in the main store you'll also find the vehicle and the rezzer for sale on the Second Life marketplace.

Black & Gold dance

Yesterday afternoon we gathered in a ballroom above Raven Park to enjoy the last Raven Park dance of 2017. A full album of photos can be round over on Google Photos. Here are some highlights:

Despite an xkcd 349 problem getting her machine booting,
Emma finally made it to the dance.

Thank you everyone who came along and made it such fun, and to Miss Eve for a fantastic couple of hours of music. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all! See you for the next dance in January!


Raven Park dance this Saturday

This Saturday it's time for the final Raven Park dance of the year. We'll be taking out usual Christmas holiday, with dances returning early in January (we'll blog and send out notices to say when, of course). This year's final dance will have a bit of a Christmas theme, and a bit of a general celebration theme, with one particular focus: it's all going to be:

Black and Gold

So do please join us, dressed in your best black and gold outfits (or whatever you like, we're always cool about that sort of stuff), for the final Raven Park dance of 2017. Here's all the details:

Date: Saturday December 9th
Time: 3pm to 5pm SLT
Where: Raven Park
Music by: Eve Terr